Filter Dropdown Block


A Foundry Filter Dropdown Block manages which filter options are presented to users for searching posts.

The Filter Dropdown Block enables users to narrow down the content they see on a page by categories, subcategories, or tags (depending on what you have set up on your site). These become the dropdown options. It’s important to choose a smaller set of clear categories (ideally no more than 10) that make the most sense to your users’ goals, vs. dozens of categories that only have one or two posts.




This allows you to check which taxonomies will be used for the filter. You can have multiple filters on a page, ie. one for categories and one for tags. Any taxonomies you have configured in WordPress will appear as options to include.


‘FA Icon Shortcode’ is a field for your FontAwesome shortcode. Paste your chosen code into the field to add a custom icon.


Additional CSS Class(es)

This allows you to enter a unique Class identifier, for custom CSS targeting within the theme to faciliate custom development. More about Theme Customizations.

It also enables the use of Foundry utility classes. More about Utility Classes.