Row Block


The Row Block is the secondary base layer for all section layouts, following the Bootstrap Grid System like this: Container > Row > Column.

The Row Block governs the vertical and horizontal alignment of any contained Column Blocks, and the column gutters. That is its one purpose.

The Row Block can ONLY be placed inside a Container Block. Attempting to add the Row Block to anything other than a Container Block will result in and error and no change.

Think of a filing cabinet drawer with rails. You can hang file folders from the rails, and even add dividers to create further distinction between groups of folders. But you can’t hang folders in the drawers that don’t have rails – the folders will just tip over and make a mess. The rails provide a framework. At the same time, you wouldn’t tack filing cabinet rails onto other office furniture and expect them to perform other functions. Their one purpose is to hang file folders within a filing cabinet drawer.



Row Settings

Enable Gutter

This on/off toggle controls whether the gutter padding around the Row Block and between any contained Column Blocks will be displayed or not. More about Gutters.


Flex Align

This governs the vertical spacing of any Column Blocks within the Row Block, using Start/Top, Center, End/Bottom, or Stretch alignment. More about Flex Align.

Flex Justify

This governs the horizontal spacing of any Column Blocks within the Row Block, using Start/Left, Center, End/Right or Space Between alignment. More about Flex Justify.

Flex Direction

This governs the direction in which flexible elements within a Row Block move, depending on the size and type of the screen viewing the containing page’s content. More about Flex Direction.


Additional CSS Class(es)

This allows you to enter a unique Class identifier, for custom CSS targeting within the theme to faciliate custom development. More about Theme Customizations.

It also enables the use of Foundry utility classes. More about Utility Classes.