Slider Block


The Slider Block is a combination of a containing parent block and a child section, which effectively allows you to build layouts inside two or more sliding Container Blocks. It’s a carousel of content.

The slider is activated when a user clicks on the navigation (usually a button), or swipes on a touch device. This action slides the content along to reveal the next container of content in the Slider Block. Content nested in a slider carousel is still visible to search engines, so it doesn’t impact your SEO.


Slider Block (Parent)

Slider Item Block (Child)

Settings – Slider Block

Slider Settings

Slide Count

This setting determines the number of slides to appear within the parent container (the individual slider). If you have a Slide Count of 5, you will have 5 containers of slide-able content.

Enable Pills

This setting shows or hides the dot symbol indicators (usually below a slider) that show a user how many slides there are and which slide they are on. Pills are like breadcrumbs, so a user knows where they are in the carousel and how far they have to go.

Enable Nav

This setting shows or hides the clickable arrow navigation for a user to move forward or backwards through the slides.

Enable Loop

This setting allows the slides to cycle continuously in an endless loop, whether clicked or swiped. Disabling the loop means the slides advance to the last one, and then a user would need to click or swipe backward through them. Enabling it means after reaching the last slide, the next forward click or swipe would take a user to the first slide.

Enable AutoHeight

When toggled on, this setting will make all slides in the Slider the same height based on the tallest content. This ensures that the button/navigation doesn’t move up and down on the screen as slider content shrinks and expands.


Additional CSS Class(es)

This allows you to enter a unique Class identifier, for custom CSS targeting within the theme to faciliate custom development. More about Theme Customizations.

It also enables the use of Foundry utility classes. More about Utility Classes.